To sign-up for announcements, submit a problem report, or ask for help, please use the
Community Discussion Forum
Helpful things to know:
- You can post a message without joining the group.
- You can post a message by sending an email to
- New messages by non-members are moderated and must be accepted before they are posted.
- You can join the group (subscribe) by sending an email to .
- You can unsubscribe by sending an email to
- Posts are viewable by everyone on the web; Please do not include private information in your messages.
- Your email address is hidden to everyone except the group owner.
There is one important exception: if you are a group member and you choose to reply directly to the author of a message or forward a message, your own email is used as the sender. When you "Reply All" (preferred), you are posting to all members of the group, with the group being the sender. Your registered name is shown, but not your email.
Thank you for your interest in DeadboltEdit!